Quake 2 concept art
Quake 2 concept art

quake 2 concept art

Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. And goddammit, the Q4 marine design rekindles my anger over the fact that iD neglected to give the Doom3guy combat gloves, ARGH! Why the fuck did they do that!? Of all design decisions, that had to be the dumbest. Dunno if I like it better though - I like the leg armour, but I also like the baggy pants that the Doomguy wears and the Doom 3 marine armour is badass too.

quake 2 concept art

The Q4 marine design is badass, but it's also somewhat different in style to the D3 marine design, while strangely similar too. It makes me a bit worried about the storyline though, because the presence of a new Makron suggests to me that the story for Q4 will be kinda cheesy and cliché - hopefully I'm wrong. I remember the official word from Raven stating that the story centred around the political aspects after the Q2 Strogg War - this leads me to suspect that somehow, another Strogg Warlord unexpectedly rose to power and became the new Makron. It's more likely that the name "Makron" is a title like "Lord" or "Matriarch/Patriarch" that implies that the Warlord is the Supreme Warlord. I think the new Makron looks too different from the Q2 Makron to be the same Warlord.

Quake 2 concept art