War thunder mbt 70
War thunder mbt 70

I oneshot kpz70 at any direccion, because i have a good aim and know all the tanks layouts. I 1 shot kpz/mbt70 all the time even with leopard1, as i lose my kpz70, i go with my leopard and complete the rest of the match without problems.

war thunder mbt 70

History the T-64 was the faster reloader but an idiot like you knows nothing you're just wehraboo who likes broken things. Buggy armor and damage models doesn't help the fact it has a six second ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ reload rate. The T-64 is balanced but the KPZ, MBT is not. If kpz70 is like this in real life, no, no and no nerfs, you get recked by kpz70 well deal with it accept your defeat unskilled player. I play alot with Kpz70 and have been killed by tier4 tiger2s face to face, skilled tiger2 player with inferior tank recked me, i send him a message well done.

war thunder mbt 70

I hope Devs wont listen to losers like you, who suck playing then, muahh, muahhh, oh nerf this, nerf that.

war thunder mbt 70

Originally posted by novastorm//pt\\:No way, you need to buff your skills!

War thunder mbt 70