Fallout 4 vault girl ui
Fallout 4 vault girl ui

fallout 4 vault girl ui

The outer boundaries were manually fixed, because the original large black grid from the Satellite World Map was actually the individual meshes of the LoD and they didn’t quite meet seamlessly. Get your stuff together, Bethesda.Īside from the new boundary lines and the combining of those two maps, the icons being used have also been updated and the grid for the map has been made more like we’re used to. What was ever the point of a border on the map that didn’t even represent any kind of boundary anyways? Sheesh. Oh yes, I painstakingly (with god mode and tons of run speed gear) ran around the edge of the entire wasteland just for you, so I could discover where the boundaries actually are. You’ll discover many varieties of options in terms of what icons should appear on your map during the installation process, and this particular map features a more accurate boundary line. This map has icons for settlements, vaults, power armor, military bases, metros, police stations, discoverable locations (optional), and roads + railroads (optional). The map itself gives a satellite view of the Commonwealth made using the game’s LoD meshes and textures. It is a texture replacer and of the correct size so no ESP file is required. It’s a combination of Satellite World Map by FloorBelow and Color Map by VirusZ. This is a replacer for your World Map in your Pip-Boy. The post Minimalist User Interface (in power armor and out) appeared first on Fallout 4 mods.

fallout 4 vault girl ui

cos then you’ll never know if your enemy is dead or not, until you’re standing on top of them looting them, lol, or you find them sitting on their arse still alive holding that plasma pistol right at you. No power armor hud, cos um how high tech is that shit? it knows how much ammo is in my magazine AND my backpack? amazing and bullshit, here’s a mod to be rid of it:Īlso i recommend this: no cha-ching noise on XP gain. No scope hud messages telling you to hold your breathe: My other hud mods, compatible, recommended even. Install? Download zip, go to steam main apps/fallout 4/data/interface and throw it in there. But you will no longer be patronized about how to do such action. you can always hit R on a container to put shit into it.

fallout 4 vault girl ui

no search container brackets either, so if there’s nothing in a container, you don’t get bothered with any hud pop up. and those search/looting containers, but gone are the reminder that E grabs and R examines, cos i’ve been playing the game far too long to not know that. Nothing but name-tags on doors/units so you know if you’re looking at a bandit, a cait, a codsworth, a commonwealth door or just a door.

Fallout 4 vault girl ui